MWP-606 Cover

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920 (views)
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I AM NOT AN ELECTRONICS EXPERT. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK This is a cover I made for my Mean Well MWP-606 power supply. I was inspired by other BETTER covers. I chose to do this so that I could use one of the common to find on Amazon IEC sockets. I have a supergun that operate on my desk a lot and I didn't want to accidentally reach over and fry my arm by accident. So I went looking for a cover for my PSU. I found a few that were awesome( but didn't quite meet my needs for one reason or another. There is a hole for the power cabling that goes with my Minigun supergun. There is also a hole to allow for access to the voltage adjust knob. I AM NOT AN ELECTRONICS EXPERT. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK



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