Moogle Jobs and Party Pack Various Poses of Moogles from Final Fantasy XI - Fan Art

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265 (views)
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A Final Fantasy XI/XIV fan project. I'm still learning my process, but these STLs are solid, and should provide a good print. No base, no supports, as I prefer to add my own when I download models. Behold!  A whole pack of various moogle models, 17 or so, based on the moogle as seen in FFXI.  Many of them have the famed, classic, jobs of the Final Fantasy series, as a loving nod to the games I love so much.  Their big heads and tiny bodies, along with the traditional jobs really evoke the chibi heroes of the early 8 and 16 bit classics, to me!   I made these to serve as a playable race in a table-top game I am making for my friends and I thought I would share them.  Enjoy!



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