Monster M4SK Case

11 (likes)
3203 (views)
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This is a wearable case for the Adafruit Monster M4SK. The 3D Printed case snap fits together and lets you add a headband so you can wear it. The case has all of electronics so it’s nice and portable little package. The open frame design shows off the silkscreen so you enjoy the lovely artwork. You can wear it as a pair of goggles or work it into your costume projects. They can be worn over your eyes, just be careful as you won’t be able to see very well. The Adafruit monster Mask packs a ton of awesome stuff into one single board. It’s running a cortex M4, it’s got 8 megabytes of flash storage, USB charging and 2x IPS TFT displays.It also has buttons, light sensor, expansion ports and accelerometer. Be sure to check out the product page for the full run down. For a quick start, definitely check out the learn guide. The board has native USB support, so you can upload code and recharge the battery. It works like a USB drive so you can drag and drop bitmaps to change up the graphics. You can modify the look and customize the eyes by editing a special config file. There’s lots of great project examples so you can get started right away! There’s also a ton of great support for programming languages like Arduino and Circuit Python.   3D Hangout In this week's live stream we discuss the case design and assembly in depth. We do some live demos changing up the config file to customize the eye graphics. As well as the usual banter mixed with some gaffs and goofs. YouTube Video: Learn Guide: Adafruit Monster M4SK 420mAh Battery Mini Oval Speaker

About the author:
Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. Adafruit has grown to over 50 employees in the heart of NYC with a 15,000+ sq ft. factory. Adafruit has expanded offerings to include tools, equipment and electronics that Limor personally selects, tests and approves before going in to the Adafruit store. Limor was the first female engineer on the cover of WIRED magazine and was recently awarded Entrepreneur magazine's Entrepreneur of the year. In 2014 Adafruit was ranked #11 in the top 20 USA manufacturing companies and #1 in New York City by Inc. 5000 "fastest growing private companies".


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