Modular Tree for Conan Boardgames and other dungeon crawlers

28 (likes)
4283 (views)
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These are models for tree obstacles in Monoith's Conan boardgames. The tree sections slide into a central clip that doubles as a platform to indicate whether models are in, under, or over a tree. The tree does not obscure the board art which is important for zone saturation rules. I intend for the trees to be useful in other games. Some games prohibit moving into brush or tree zones, others give you conditions, others let you climb or fly over trees. These tree models should handle all of these cases clearly while still providing the scenery. Additionally for games with LOS rules the trees can be set up to either interfere or to indicate when LOS crosses the tree without causing difficulties you have with more traditionally modeled trees in scatter terrain. The trees are textured on one side and flat on the other for easy printing. If you are a painter you can probably print them half height and slide two sections into each clip resulting in two textured sides that should be easy to wash. There is one optional clip for the top if having the tree sections uneven gives you skin crawlies.



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