Modular NAS for Raspberry Pi or NanoPi M4V2 with 2.5in Drives

74 (likes)
9348 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a frame to make a NAS out of a Raspberry Pi 4 or a NanoPi M4 and some 2.5 inch laptop drives. You can use SSD or HDD. The design is modular so you can stack as many drives as you want. You will need: Raspberry Pi BOM NanoPi BOM Raspberry Pi Amazon shopping cart Nano Pi Amazon shopping cart Buy Nano Pi M4V2 Full Instructions Print: (1) Either the Raspberry Pi mount or the NanoPi mount.(2) Clips for each drive. If you have 4 drives, print 8 clips(2) Risers (NanoPi or Raspberry Pi)(2) Frame Stabilizers(1) Fan mount (for Raspberry Pi only) Assemble the drive clips on to each drive. Slide them on from the bottom and put the protrusions on the clip into the screw holes on the drive. Slide the drive clips into each other to form a stack. Clip the Raspberry Pi into place. Make sure the indentation in the printed piece corresponds to the position of the SD card on the Pi. Plug the fan into pins 2 (positive) and 5 (negative) of the Pi. If using the NanoPi, note the direction with respect to the frame tabs. The side marked BACK should be the direction the Pi's USB ports face. Slide the risers on to the Pi mount and then slide the two assemblies together. Check the instructions link above for more detailed instructions and setup information.



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