Modular Benchy Display Stand

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22 (views)
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Modular Benchy Display Stand!! In my searches for a Benchy display stand, I have struggled to find a model that combines modularity and a space to note down details for the model itself. I have designed this display stand for the much beloved Benchy, with a combination of features that allows for expansion, while also having space under each slot to take not of the filament brand / colour / type / print settings for easy reference. This model includes the following items:- Benchy display module- 3x stand types, allowing for 1, 2 or 3 rows- 3x peg types: - 20mm End piece - 20mm peg that connects rows side by side - 25mm peg that connects rows with a stand between This is my first 3D model, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback, design improvements, or changes!! * I have included 3D renders as placeholder images, but will update these to show the printed model in the coming days.



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