Modern Magnetic Canvas Frame

13 (likes)
3168 (views)
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So I bought some wallart printed on canvas and rather than paying tons of money to have it stretched and framed, I made this. I bought this piece from if you're wondering. This frame allows you to easily hang your picture without damaging the wall. Its held on the wall by two tiny nails that wont even make a noticable hole if you were to remove them (link below). They hold the picture with small magnets that dont damage the picture and keep it taught. Amazon Links:  Tiny Nails $5 for like 150 or smth Tiny Magnets $10 for 200 Also now that you have 136 tiny magnets left over you should check out my modular whiteboard/fridge magnets to use those fellas up. Modular Magnets

About the author:
I accept design jobs, just send me what you need with the necessary design stuff (sketches, descriptions, measurements, pictures of broken pieces, etc.) I primarily use SolidWorks in case you're wondering.


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