MiniQuad x120

15 (likes)
3665 (views)
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This is my MiniQuad X-120 frame.It's a true X frame and uses the 8520 brushed motors.It should fit most of the tiny AIO cameras and brushed flight controllers. The camera mount is designed so you can change the angle to suit your flying level/style. You will need:4 x 15mm standoffs or spacers to join the top and bottom parts.2 x 3mm threaded inserts for the adjustable camera mount.Double side mounting foam or hot glue for the flight controller.Elastic band or hot glue for the receiver.Elastic band for the battery.Electrical tape to give the motors a snug fit in the arms if needed. UPDATES: 31/12/2017 - Added a new Camera mount with a slot for cameras with lower cables allowing the cable to pass through the mount and the camera to sit better. Might need supports depending on how good your printer is. 1/1/2018 - Found that the arms can break when hitting hard objects just right (my bad flying lol) so modified where the arms join the body and added another web. ---------- Don't have a 3d printer? You can purchase this model from my Etsy shop. Designing takes time and resources, if you like and use my designs, please consider supporting me. Your support means a lot to any designer and encourages updates and new designs to be shared with the community.

About the author:
Hello! Welcome to my mini factory page. I'm fairly new to 3d printing and cad design but I'm loving it so far :) Here you will find designs for things that I've personally designed or remixed from interesting designs from other creative people. They most most likely will be things related to my interests and hobby's but who knows what will take my fancy. Feel free to comment or make suggestions on my Things and I may include your ideas in a future update.


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