Minimalistic bike brake lever

4 (likes)
3155 (views)
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We assume no responsibility for this thing, at all! Use at your own risk, and be careful! This experiment began with a bike without brakes. It had a clean look but it was very stupid to ride it in traffic, or elsewhere. We wanted to see if we could create a simple and discrete front brake lever, since most of the ones we've seen are very ugly. This is a simplification, as it is the smallest amount of volume and visual impact we could get to work (however, we leave no guarantee on this). Safety and self-preservation not included. This design will only work with centre-pull caliper brakes or similar. Print one clip and one lever. Attach with M4 bolt and locknut. 2017-01-25Proof of concept. First test period done. Hardware needed: 35mm long M4 bolt and a locknut. Designing a lower profile clip. 2017-10-09The test lever broke today! It has been kept outside for a few weeks, and this morning was especially cold. A new lever will be printed, maybe in PET or ABS. Or maybe just with 100% infill. If anyone would decide to try this, we would really appreciate any input you might have.

About the author:
Grisworks is a tiny makerspace hoping to produce some interesing models and prints, as well as other projects.


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