Minimalist Ruling Set

6 (likes)
2092 (views)
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My examples are printed in Fillamentum Flexfill 98A Pistachio Green, which is the perfect combination of rigidity and comfort for this print. Get it here! (affiliate link) Very simple set of desk tools. A ruler in inches, a ruler in centimeters, and a protractor. I call them "minimalist" because there aren't any markings (I like how it looks this way, and small lettering on 3d prints never turns out that well), but different sized notches for different values (e.g. long marks at every inch, medium-length marks at each half-inch, and short marks at each quarter-inch) make them easy to read.  I printed the ones in the pictures in semi-flex, which is why the surfaces are a little messy. Its a very easy print and quite useful.

About the author:
Hey! Welcome to my page. I'm a full-time college student who designs models for 3D printing in my spare time. My work focuses on taking advantage of the unique aspects of the additive manufacturing process to create functional objects. Mostly, this means that I design usable models of things to which people otherwise might not have easy access (or that I think would benefit from a touch of maker-ness). Take a look at my objects! I hope you like them :)


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