Mini-Lathe Quick Change Tool Post Holder!

9 (likes)
2913 (views)
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So I installed a Quick Change Tool Holder (AKA QCTH see more here: ) on my Mini-Lathe (see more here: ) to speed things up and it worked great however I now needed a handy place to store these quick change tool holders! Well the solution was Fusion 360 and a 3D printer! These as you can see in the picture clip to the back of the lathe and allow the holder to easy and smoothly slide on and off! I am super geeked at how handy this turned out and wanted to share them with you! Also if your lathe has a larger back or you want to clip this on to something else just take the STL into TinkerCad and difference a lager block out of it as I left some extra plastic in the body for this! If you want to see more about this design, check out this video: Also if you looking for a crazy affordable 5 Axis (yes you read that correctly) CNC, then check these out: One of the handiest tools as a maker I have is the CO2 laser as they are VERY affordable, check these out for yourself:   Also, please follow us on MyMiniFactory and give this a like if this came in handy and for more information on this project, please visit us at as well as subscribe to our YouTube Channel at along with a visit to our drone site and YouTube channel at If you are looking for one of a kind swag shop for yourself or a Maker Geek friend, visit our swag shop at for unique 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and CNC swag! Too, if you want a behind the scene look at what we are working on be sure to follow us on Instagram (!

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Please check out our YouTube channel at as well as our website for more information on these and many other projects!


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