Measure scoop

12 (likes)
1320 (views)
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[no support needed] [easy print] [fast print] Measure scoops I made for my home. Used the small one for coffee and sugar (6x each for 1L) and the bigger one for cereal and for my cats food. Small: about 2/3 spoon;  Large: about a cup; !!! I do not know if is ok to make 3d prints that goes in contact with food !!! Its probably good for you to make your own research about it, but I read about a techinic that you can "bake" the print (or heat the surface well enough so the external layer melts and all the small gaps can be closed, becoming safer for food)

About the author:
Visual Artist, 23. Master Student (visual poetics) - ECA/USP. Graduated in Visual Art - Multimedia and Intermedia - ECA/USP. Member of the Realidades Research Group (ECA/USP). Member of Coletivo Bruthale!!!, multimedia artistic group (@bruthale_). Im interested in experiences between art, technology and interaction.


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