Leda's Sword - Elden Ring

12 (likes)
668 (views)
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Sliced Set available hereMajor FeaturesMulti-Part AssemblyThe fully assembled sword comes out to approx. 5ft. The sword is comprised of a multi-part assembly that is designed to fit on most printers. There is a standard file set for larger printers and a file set with additional slices for smaller printers. Build height of at least 225mm required* Multiple Blade Asembly Options:The blade comes in 4 different options. - Sliced for larger printers, designed to slide over an aluminum core w/ alignment pegs - Sliced for smaller printers, designed to slide over an aluminum core w/ alignment pegs - Blade segmented into two long halves. This can be used with belt printers - One singular whole blade model for misc purposes, personal slicing The sliced versions of the sword contain an additional option to print the cross guard in halved segments with additional aligment pegs. These alignment pegs allow the aluminum core to pass through to maintain structural integrity of the sword. Guide/Instructions:There is a .txt file included with instructions, tips, and a link to the aluminum rod that this is designed to fit around (3/8" x 48" aluminum rod)

About the author:
Aguilar Workshop features downloads of 3D models from some of your favorite video games and shows. Helpful articles on how to make high quality props easily and cheaply. aguilarworkshop.com


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