Leaf J1772 holster for EVSE plug

6 (likes)
3556 (views)
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This is a holster that allows you to clip your J1772 EVSE plug onto a wall. It also has a lip so you cna drap the cable over it to make things nice and tidy. This design is based on "J1772 connector hanger with hood and cable mount" by Levi8than on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:230595 I've modified the design by: * Enlarging it 101% - some users of the original design said it was a bit too tight. * Moved the cable lip back to provide great strength. * Made the lip a bit thicker, also for strength * changed the side profile - just my asthetic preference * added a air vent hole to make it even easier to insert the plug. The original design was great - my improvements are only minor. The third photo is of the original design with the cable lip way out on the leading edge. My design has pulled that back to the mid-point. [I'll replace this photo with one of my design in a few days.]



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