KS7ROQ0 - Starting Implements

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297 (views)
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This set was created by Colin Christenson, and sculpted up in under a week between multiple projects during the month of July, 2024. Colin’s love of sculpting and creation was one of the first anchors of Aether Studios and continues to be an unending gift to our patrons and supporters. How he finds time to create so many wonderful things while raising his kids is simply inconceivable. With this release, Colin brings to us a lovely 7-piece torture set to fill out your own hells or dungeons! From branding coals to torture racks, he thought of everything! Nobody withstands... The Machine.

About the author:
Aether Studios is a digital collective of 3d sculptors, game designers, and gaming fanatics. We enjoy making entire worlds and have a library of over 18,000 terrain models and miniatures covering Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, and almost every fusion in-between. We consider it an honor to be a part of your games. Full Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vThvNtbu1mj-I8z2KN-QwadXiymqr6frUeI3XqGQCA6lPOFdusb_AI2bqoaGTvNvPMbdN70v8S1Qaqj/pubhtml?gid=435072679&single=true


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