Krayt Dragon

30 (likes)
4416 (views)
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A Krayt Dragon is a local Tatooine apex predator. Sand people kill small Krayts as a write of passage into a warrior lifestyle. They also produce a gallstone that can be used as a lightsaber focusing crystal or a social status for sand people. It is only obtained when a warrior defeats a full grown Krayt. After reading the Kenobi novel by John Jackson Miller I wanted to make a Krayt Dragon. I based the design off of some concept Krayt Dragon art, desert lizards and alligator's scales. I took some creative licence with it, and I like how it came out. Happy Printing!

About the author:
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Industrial Design graduate. I have a decent chunk of wood and metal fabrication experience. I am currently a freelance Industrial Designer. I do Rhino 3d Models, graphics (Illustrator, photoshop and InDesign) and ergonomic study work. I have an interest in the toy industry, and I enjoy making products better.


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