Kasparov Chess Computer spare Queen (SciSys / SaiTek)

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Spare Parts for the Vintage Kasparov Chess computers, made in the 80s by SciSys or later SaiTek. A friend recently bought a Kasparov Chess computer after watching TV show "Queens Gambit", and wanted extra queens for when a pawn gets to the other side of the board, and can be changed to a Queen. This was knocked up in TinkerCAD and stands just over 40mm high, as I couldn't find a similar model to download. There is the "Queen" model, and a "magnet cap", which servers two purposes:1) easier print with flat Queen base, as the magnet cap should protrude slightly.2) flexibility on you choice of magnet with out manipulating the Queen model, I've chosen a black Ferrite Disk Magnet 10mm x 3mm disc



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