
1 (likes)
1104 (views)
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A safety cage for the Kangertech Subox Mini with hole to thread paracord through and wear like a lanyard and never worry about dropping this hard to find hidden gem of a vaporizer. I used a 2-3mm slice from the 'Subox Mini standby Erikjuh' from thingiverse.com in order to remix the design into the KangerKage for ultimate wear-ability, it nevre takes up space in my pockets anymore and i cant knock it over if im wearing it around my neck, but but be carefull when ur wearing it and ya go to rinse after brushing it hits the sink pretty hard lol. Thank you to Erikjuh for your design efforts, i couldnt of made this with out it :) and shown in the picture is the 'Vaporizer Drip Tip Expansion Chamberby Shadow_Fox' found on thingiverse, i cant vape without it after trying it, big thanks :)

About the author:
Polyglot that likes building and making stuff, even more now that 3d printing's a thing.


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