Joel's Spool Holders V2

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3441 (views)
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Jeej!, yess another spool holder! This time it's made 'exquisitely' for Joel's massive filament spool collection.Thinking of the sheer number of spools our mortal eyes had only glimpsed at in the video, left me with an questing if it would be meaningfull or perhaps even remotely possible to make individual holders for every rol... ?! To that end, i've designed 3 different and yet somewhat the same ... spool holders that would fit in Joel's existing fillament vault. A little background on how these designs came to (Joel's) life: Joel's Spool Holders V2These spool holders are designed to hold an individual spool of filament on the shelf and fits in Joel's existing shelf, the spool holders work because of roller bearings. This time the design is stripped and left with what is at least needed to maintain the spool sysyem for every individual spool on the shelf. The parts have been simplyfied and now only two parts are needed... printed a'lot of times...Designed to use minimal amout of filament whilest still looking quite nice. The filament guide clamps on the shelf and serves a dubble purpose.The guide has two extra holes;1st hole on the front can be used to guide the filament string if the used spool is far from the printer or not directly alligned. more filament guides can be used to guide the filament wire to make an more complex route, as these can be placed anywhere. 2nd hole on top og the guide hoop is made to fit and little sign these display filament type and can be turned around to display a different type. Assembly Instructions:Because of the roller bearing the spool holders must be installed using the filament guide and the filament must unwinde from the back/bottem of the spool trough the guide.A few parts connected with peg-hole's for easier printing. All parts are 100% printedThey are designed to also look cool. PS: unfortunately i couldn't make a picture with a 1Kg spool because i lack the joel's spool rack.



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