Interactive Educational Clock for Children

6 (likes)
3578 (views)
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This fully printable interactive educational clock aids children in learning how to read both analog and digital clocks. Both 12 hour time and 24 hour time can be taught with this device. This device is targetted for kindergarten and first grade school children. This clock is durable and will be able to handle the rough conditions of an elementary school classroom. According to a survey taken in 2017, 80% of children between the ages of 6-12 years old cannot read a clock ( This clock can help decrease that statistic.   The clock arms were modeled in FreeCAD and the rest of the design was done in OpenSCAD. To acquire a multi-color design with the numbers in a different color, the filament can be swapped. The first swap at the numbers should be done at around layer 43 (assuming .2 layer height), and another color swap for the colon should be done at about layer 105. The dial design was based off Marc Sulfridge's Customizable, Fully Parametric Thumb-wheel Combination Lock ( Several changes and iterations were made to the original thumb-wheel combination lock to create a functional and durable device.    The material cost for this print is about $2.50. A similar product made of less durable materials is available for $10.99 (



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