Infill Demo Cards

5 (likes)
1325 (views)
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In Cura, the Lines and the Grid infill can be hard for beginners to understand. Grid produces the same infill pattern on every layer, while Lines produces alternating diagonal lines. The Lines pattern appears more dense when viewed from the top, but it's the same amount of infill as Grid. These demos are made by printing 6-10 cards, stacking them, and holding them in place with an m3 screw and nut. Students can spread the infill cards and see how infill layers differ for Lines, while they are identical for Grid.    These are representations that were drawn to resemble infill patterns. They are actually 2-3x the thickness of a typical infill. This added thickness makes it durable enough to handle, although they are easily bent/crushed. 

About the author:
I first got into 3D printing to teach it to high school students. I've been playing around with printers for years, and I joined MyMiniFactory so I can share my designs with people beyond my classroom.


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