Hermit of Hengehold Proxy

12 (likes)
3253 (views)
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This is my proxy for the Hermit of Hengehold for Warmachine/Hordes.I used this model of Slave Knight Gael from Dark Souls 3 I found on steam:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098402303I posed it in Blender, then filled the hole in his chest and added the scroll thing in Meshmixer. I made the 30mm base in Inventor. The bases I make have little nubs indicating the facing. The back cloak is kind of weird because the cloak has very complicated geometry, and after putting it into a pose I liked, I couldn't make it smooth in the back. I tried filling it in with Meshmixer, but it did not make it better, so I just left it as it is. I printed an earlier version on an elegoo mars, and I don't think it will print on FDM properly because the cloak is pretty fiddly. I didn't remove some of the support from under the cloak in the picture, which looks like tiny spheres on the edges in the picture.



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