Gyver Lamp-Charging Station

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2528 (views)
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GyverLamp - my reincarnation of a popular project: a lamp bottom base, a cap and ESP8266 module holder designed for a Plastic Lampshade that you can by at Ali (search for Gyver Lamp). I use a 5v 2.5A power supply (also bought at Ali, just search for 2.5A power supplies from disassembling) and an ESP82266 module on a white board... The lamp can be also used as a charging station for your smart phone when the lamp is not used: 2.5A power supply is good enough to serve as a charger. So, I've added a USB connector. Still, 2.5A power supply can support both charging a smart phone and the lamp running in low brightness modes (like Flame, Matrix, or Snow modes)... Otherwise 2.5A could not be enough to run both... Link to firmware: If you like my design, please, consider making a small "cup of coffee" donation using PayPal



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