Gyrpigeon - by PunyKaiju

7 (likes)
127 (views)
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Had a friend request that I take on a Gyrfalcon, early in sculpting the head ended up looking more pigeon-like initially so the name stuck. Doesn't look much like the original at all, but found the path as I worked. Probably spent too much time doing the engraving rococo like pattern work, but set a latest deadline of before I head off to GenCon. And like usual, for the minis I would recommend printing on an SLA printer, YRMV on FDM. Cheers! Made in various parts for posing options (With 1.25 base.) 1 Torso 3 Leg Poses 1 Right Gun 1 Left Gun 2 Backs (Winged and Wingless shield only) (And for a little CYA, being clear these are fan creations that make me no money, and any of these models are original and made because I love playing Battletech with friends and sharing stupid things I make. These used no 3d resources from any existing Battletech (CGL/Piranha Games/etc) properties)

About the author:
Design and 3d printer nerd making stuff in my free time.


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