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GradCap is a grad cap miniature reproduction printed with PLA. It can be used as a part of your DIY or creative handwork, such as gifts, containers, or keychains. GradCap can be 3D printed in ~20 minutes and it requires no/minimum experience with 3D printing. ----------------- Let's keep in contact:- Instagram: @alessia.romani_ar- LinkedIn: Alessia Romani -----------------

About the author:
Hi! I'm Alessia Romani, an engineering designer and researcher interested in 3D printing! Since 2017, I've been working in the 3D printing sector as a researcher, connecting it with industrial/product design, materials engineering/design, and social/environmental sustainability. After more than seven years working at +LAB (3D printing Lab of Politecnico di Milano, Italy), I am currently working at FAST Lab (Western University, London, Ontario, Canada) at the intersection between design and engineering. ----------------- Let's keep in contact: - Instagram: @alessia.romani_ar - LinkedIn: Alessia Romani - Thingiverse: - Printables: -----------------


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