GhostBusters goggles

51 (likes)
4568 (views)
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Howdy folks, Im currently working on my Ghostbusters outfit and while a few parts are printing I thought i would make a smaller parts. So I took on the goggles. There is a few pre made ones out there that you can grab but there all above £50 in the uk and I wanted to put something out there for the folks out there who wanted something that looks the part but wont break your budget. So grab yourself a pair of these welding goggles And print this file, paint it and then slip it into the goggles in place of the welders shield. Just make sure you have the main section in place first before you the pins in place! It will also work for any SAS or metal gear cosplay. So there you are. A cool set of goggles for under £20

About the author:
Hey Folks, My name is Alan. Im a magician who loves to make random props. I hope you like what I have to offer Enjoy.


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