Geometric Bear

16 (likes)
568 (views)
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Hello this is a bear in a special art style. Perfect for your wall deco! I have managed to print this model in just under one and a half hour. The first two layers my printspeed was 15mm/s and all the other layers my print speed was 60mm/s. The dimensions of the model are: 1261443mm Print this model in your favorite color and material. If you like this model and you have printed it, don't hesitate to show of your skills and upload a pic of your make! Greet! Raimon

About the author:
Idea Lab
Note! I will be continuing my work on 3dCults by the same name: IdeaLab. Raimon Elctrncs is a 3D designer. Has been designing since 2017. He is an active member of several websites dedicated to the sharing of user-created digital design files. He finished the project of building a Velleman K8200 3D printer kit. The designs are a contribution to the 3D printing community ( You can always leave a message if you have a business plan. - Design programs : ...autodesk 123 Design ...Meshmixer ...Inkscape ...blender ...fusion 360 ...Thingiverse Customizer Upcoming project will contain just what came to mind. And if you don't have a 3d printer; send my files to shapeways and get them delivered by mail! Raimon Elctrncs lives in the Netherlands, Europe. ©2017-2021 RAIMON ELCTRNCS SOME RIGHTS RESERVED


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