FREE-The Basic Raptor

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493 (views)
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Free!  An introductory model for use in One Page Rules and similar systems. Please check out my other builds, many of which are free (all the compatible Raptor weaponry, especially) ------------------------------------------ Kushal Heavy Industries, based 214 jumps deep in the Fourth Gate Network of worlds, is a renowned manufacturer of arms, both for their economy of material usage and rock bottom pricing structures. They recently have taken their surrounding upstream and downstream neighborhood of dimensions by storm with the release of the Basic Raptor, a clean-sheet refinement of the datacore salvaged long ago from an unknown, nuked-out world. That datacore gave the Realms Project Raptor, a broad category of light mechs that serve as scouts and fast attack platforms, taking the fight to the enemy with speed and devastating firepower. Kushal's version is a stark, bare-bones battle platform that is intended for the customer who needs to put warheads on foreheads, without any need for frivolity, pomp, or circumstance. The Basic Raptor is sneered at by some, but admired by others for its uncompromising simplicity, ruggedness, and singularity of purpose. Many smaller defense contractors and boutique armor shops are taking stock Basic Raptors and modifying them with fancier weapons and armor packages. Assassins from the Kushal Heavy Industries Legal Department have been dispatched through the world-gates to deliver enhanced cease-and-desist notifications, to some lethal effect. This is the Basic Raptor, my gift of appreciation for folks sticking with me (or just arriving) through the last year.If you're here for the One Page Rules announcement, welcome. This Basic Raptor will enable you to get your feet wet with the Titan Lords army list for Grimdark Future, as well as fire support for other forces. For more Raptor weapons options (all free) or different frames (paid files; I needz my caffeine ;) ) check out my collection of parts here on MMF. I have a Discord, The Madness of John Bear Ross. We're a collection of mecha-heads, painters, builders, and other artists who love giant walking nightmares. Here's the invite link... Otherwise, enjoy!

About the author:
Digital Sculptor since way back. I make mech kits and parts. One Page Rules compatible, particularly for those of you with Titan Lords armies.


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