
2 (likes)
2305 (views)
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Experiments in math art. This is one of a series I created as an LED lamp difuser. This particular model has the dubious effect of confusing the human eye, it doesn't look like anything nature produced and depth perception of the human eye is unusually tested. Can be printed on a standard extrusion 3D printer without support structure, I used a layer thickness of 0.1mm layer height, 28mm/sec, PLA green, one perimeter in vase mode, one base layer of 0.3mm, no top layers. Fan at 70%. Most printers will require full fan. I used a home made rostock delta.  My perimeter was set to 1.2mm thick by setting the nozzle to 1.2mm instead of the 0.75 actual diameter.

About the author:
Hi! I'm inventive and love challenges. From writing software to designing circuitboards, surfskis, gliders to solving 3D mechanical part and assembly issues, also loving the shapes I can design for aesthetic purposes, maths art, hydrodynamic and aerodynamic shapes. Maths and nature are closely intertwined from the literally branching structure of the mandelebrot set to numerical replication to natural sinewave forms in nature seen in waves on water. As an inventor 3D printing is hugely enabling of my imagination, taking me from concept to something I can hold in my hand sometimes within an hour for more basic concepts. I hope you like my designs, whether one fixes an irksome problem, puts a smile on the face of a loved one when you present them with a beautifully formed vase or whether it's a printed thing that gets your own imagination working in new ways. The power to evolve our creativity is partly at your fingertips ;-) Bring me your challenge and let's see what's possible! Graham Daniel, New Zealand, 12 May 2015


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