Foldable Tetrahedron - Print Flat

73 (likes)
7702 (views)
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Foldable Tetrahedron that is printed flat and then folded into shape. Prints fast and all the sides of the tetrahedron are smooth. Can be used to explore the properties of a platonic solid or can make an LED light. Two tetrahedron can be glued together to make a prop power or magic crystal. Can also be used as painter's pyramids. Edge length is 40mm. Transparent panels: 0.2mm layer height, no infill, 3 bottom layers, 0 top layers. LED light example scale 140% and printed with 30% infill with natural PLA.

About the author:
Designer. Maker. Teacher. 2016 Stanford FabLearn Fellow. Winner of US Department of Education's CTE Makeover Challenge. Winner Inventable's 50 State Carver Contest for VA. 2nd place in Outsider Art Fair NY 2016 Babel competition. Ultimaker Pioneer. 2015 & 2016 Make Magazine Digital Fabrication Review Team. Blogging about making in the classroom at #makerspace #3dprinting #digifab #fablearn #cnc #tinkercad #lasercutter


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