Ferrofluid Container

184 (likes)
12482 (views)
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Enjoy the tactile goodness of this procedurally generated container. It's got a half twist locking lid to secure your treasures. 86mm(3.4") tall when capped. Container opening is 35mm(1.4") in diameter. Print at any resolution between 0.05mm-0.3mm depending on the look you're going for. 2-3 shells, 5% infill should do. 08.28.19 UPDATE Added "medium" and "tight" versions with tighter tolerances than the original regular = .5mm clearance, medium = .3mm clearance, tight = .2mm clearance'   Photo shows the model printed with Vertigo Starlight PLA.

About the author:
Hi, I'm Devin! I run a YouTube channel called Make Anything and I believe everyone should have access to well designed products. As it turns out, 3D printing is a great way to do just that! I like making both functional models and delightful objects that spark inspiration.


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