FauxHammer - Lord Narcissus (Holding Page Only)

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305 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

PLEASE NOTE - Downloading this model will give you nothing more than the Photonsters XP range finder - you can find hopw to use that here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm0-z971tgYThe model Pictured is currently an exclsuive Giveaway Model only given away by meeting me at events.The point of this page is so that people can upload images of the model painted to the "Canvas" module on "MyMiniFactory"I know there will be people who will have clicked download before reading this description and you'll be upset! All I can say is I'm really sorry, This page needs to exist so I can use it in future video content and show peoples Paint Jobs on those videos.You can get this model by Meeting me at the following events.... UK Games Expo, Gen-Con, Nova Open, Essen Spiel and more.The model will be made public before Next Year's Adepticon (2025)



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