Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Necromancer Mausoleum/Crypt

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8186 (views)
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NEWS: I have started a Patreon by popular demand. Let me know if you have any questions. In the Frostgrave skirmish game there is a scenario that calls for a 6" four door Necromancer's Mausoleum. It randomly spits out skeletons from one of the four doors every turn. Since this wasn't a common model, I decided to tackle it in 3D. I wanted to convey the "necromancer" aspect, and the mystical wizard elements, so I opted to go with a bunch of skulls (but hopefully not TOO many) and then cover the structure in "mystic" runes. After completing the first one, I felt it might be too big so I made a second version using the same elements but smaller. I moved the interior symbols to the doors which I think looked pretty cool. Then I made third version with only 1 door with plain stone walls, and rune covered walls because I was kind of in a groove. The doors are interchangeable for all the structures. Roof 1 only fits Shell 1, but Roof 2 fits Shell 2,3 because they are the same with different walls. The Sarcophagus/Altar is available here: Treasure tokens are available here: Skeletons pictured are from Fat Dragon Games) I have quite a few models available for wargaming just check below. I put a lot of time into making these models, so if you're inclined, a TIP wouldn't hurt. (I've opted not to do Patreon at this time.) If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the only authorized vendor of these printed models. If the models aren't up on his site just shoot him an email with a request, he is usually pretty quick to respond. I've created a lot of other wargaming terrain for you to download and enjoy:Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Wars Legion/Sci Fi - -

About the author:
Here are some of the areas that I've enjoyed making models in for games I like, or want to play. Gaslands I've created lots of weapons, and terrain for this awesome game. I see lots of room for creative additions that interest me. Frostgrave/Mordheim/Rangers of Shadow Deep I love this type of tabletop fantasy skirmish war-gaming, where you can set up a quick table and play a fun game with miniatures. I've got a lot of ideas for more terrain here. There are plenty of great games out there that could use this type of terrain. This is Not A Test Mutants/Wasteland/Survival! Yes, I love this Fallout inspired game, and want to build out terrain for my table to play. (If I could find people to play that is) Tabletop Board games I've actually published a couple games so far, and plan to keep designing board games. You can find my game Dice of Crowns, and the sequel Dice of Pirates on and I love board games! I like making upgrades, and additions for games I play, as well creating my own. D&D/Dice Collecting I am an avid fan of dice. I love dice. I collect all sorts of dice for fun. I've created a number of "dice accessories" for the collector, and player. I also run a D&D game with my son and his friends so I have ideas for supporting that hobby too. I even created a set of unique polyhedral printable dice. I've done a lot of research into 3D printable dice and fairness as well. As you can see... I've got lots of ideas. Too many sometimes. I make models of the things that interest me, and share them with people. I love seeing people print and enjoy the models I make. Badger


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