Evaporation Tray Using Disposable Cup

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2048 (views)
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This is an Evaporation Tray that makes use of recycled disposable see through cup.  You fill the centeral reservoir with water, place a see through plastic cup on the top, preferable one that has been used, you then place it under the sun and wait, the sun will then heat up the water, after the water has condesed on the roof of the cup it will stream down the side of the cup into the periferal reservoir, where the clean water is stored. This is the 6th UN goal, Clean Water and Sanitation. Evaporation Tray 1 Should work with smaller generic size cups. They could be usefull if you had a pack of maybe six of these, with some left over cups it should generate a considerable ammount of drinking water over a couple hours. Because of their simple design they can be mass made very quickly and can be made out of recycled plastics Evaporation Tray 2 Should work with slightly larger cups  



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