Enourmous Imperial Heavy Tank [PRESUPPORTED]

45 (likes)
1372 (views)
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Hello, This time im back with a reworked Version of my rogal Dorn, now for free too. This kit includes everything needed to build a rogal Dorn it is not supposed to be a conversion kit, thus no Actions have been taken on making anything compatible with the real kit. There are also options included to turn the dorn into:- a command tank- flak tank- a krieg-ified version w/ dozer blade & trench rails   The tank Comes fully supported & test printed. Magnet Holes are: 5x1mm generally 6x2mm for the main guns (I dont know how many are needed, you may only Need 1 per gun) 10x2mm magnet for turret to hull magnetisation Print everything once unless told otherwise. Everything with Aquilas also Comes with an Option without Aquilas. The turret Comes in 2 variants, one with a stubber mount on the left cupola and one without.Use the one without stubber mount when utilising the Swivel stubber kit for the left cupola. The cupola with hardpoint also allows the mounting of my previously introduced RCWS System as well as other pieces added in this kit. The Baneblade Turret Comes with a normal mount for my rogal Dorn, and also with one for the plastic rogal Dorn.the only Option to mount heavy stubbers on the baneblade tank is the RCWS mount. Non-optional customisation: - Hull Periscope allows for mounting of 2 different proxies for the nipple guns or turret stubbers (not magnetisable)- Sponsons allow for 2 different style of sponsons, 3 different styles of sponson cover and 1 Option for interior sponsons (magnetisable)- engine deck has 3 different Options for air scrubbers- in the back of the tank you also have to choose between normal exhausts or exhausts w/ trenchrails please note that: - mounting of the air search Radar hinders the possibility of mounting: - back stubber mount - Right bustle rack - turret armor - traffic lightand vice versa Mounting of the turret armor hinders the possibility of mounting the smoke launchers.The cameras on the left and the Vox unit on the Right cupola are not affected all main gun Options outside of the opressor cannon & double battle cannon are purely fictional and serve no in-game-use. I hope you enjoy this release :) for further questions you can reach out to me via Discord: weisssnixinstagram: alpineweiss3d also join my discord server if you havent: https://discord.com/invite/dkVUdgv6G2 Stay tuned!

About the author:
Hello, I am a AlpineWeiss3D! Please message me on discord for any questions, MMFs Message system is not very good. Discord: weisssnix Also join my Discord Server if you haven't https://discord.com/invite/dkVUdgv6G2


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