Elven Distant Watcher - presupported kit

14 (likes)
271 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

All the parts needed to build this incredible model! The Distant Watcher is a character of immense power and psychic might, capable of striking down even the most prowerful of enemies, unleash his power onto your foes and win! The kit includes: - A decorated Base- The fate spear- The watcher's body- The watcher's helm- The full kit all in one piece ready to print All files are presupported and come in both .stl and .lys formats, with a support-free .stl option available. DO NOT KITBASH, SHARE, OR SELL WITHOUT PERMISSION Enjoy!

About the author:
MJD Miniatures
Welcome to the official MJD Miniatures store page on Myminifactory, where you can find amazing 3D models. I love to make miniatures, terrain pieces, and anything that sparks my imagination. I usually post my models almost weekly, but sometimes I may surprise you with more. If you like what I do, feel free to leave a like, comment, or even a suggestion for what to do next. I appreciate your feedback and support. Thank you for visiting my page and happy printing!


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