Easy Grip Customizable Cup

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2472 (views)
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There are a lot of products out there that are designed to make life easier for people with arthritis. Some of these products are relatively simple yet very expensive. This project was intended to make a printable design for products like these. This design is for a cup with an inside grip to make gripping easy and it can rest on your hand if the user does not have enough grip strength. The design can be customized through my OpenSCAD file. This way you can adjust to a specific hand size and adjust the cup size to limit the amount of weight held by the cup. It is not visible from the exterior but there is built-in support for the bottom of the handle so that it is printable without support material or sagging. My inspiration for this cup design was based on this product: https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-easy-grip-hand-in-mug.html The "Easy Grip Hand in Mug" has a description of: "Easy Grip Hand In Mug is designed for people with arthritis or a weak grip."   Online Product: $54.45 + $7.99 shipping + 3-7 days for shipping 3D Printed Product: $4.14 (207g filament) + $0 Shipping + ~12 hour print That comes out to a 93% reduction in both price and time!!!   Although PLA is considered food-safe, I recommend doing research on your specific material prior to using regularly for drinking. This item was originally designed for the course MSE4777.



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