Ear Saver - Oval Design

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2987 (views)
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Oval Ear Saver- For Elastic Strapped Masks - Custom Design - Front Line Worker SupportPersonal designI have been creating and donating along with selling these on Etsy but wanted to make them available as well. These are my take on the ear saver.Wearing a mask for long periods of time not only pulls the ear causing painbut also creates a sawing motion causing a rope burn effect if mask is being adjusted or slipping.This will add tension to the mask providing less adjusting in addition to preventing contact. They are easy to put on and store away and hang up or store without getting lost in a purse or the car.They also distribute the pull of the straps a bit more than other designs. 4" x 2" Easy to wash with soap and water or clean with alcohol or bleach disinfectant. Not dishwasher safe.

About the author:
-_-Screen to Reality-_- CG Artist/3D Print/Minifigs/Props I have been a commercial CG artist since 2012 and have worked with 3D Printing since 2008. Worked for toy prototypes, a casting technician at Stratasys prototype, CG elements for Bjork and Snoop Dog music videos, movies, and so many product commercials. Before all that I used to paint my friends mini's in Highschool and the occasional commission work. My random experiences have finally brought me here to merge my love of mini painting with my professional knowledge of 3D sculpting and printing.


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