Dustcrawler Gunboat Veringo

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1274 (views)
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== Gunboat Veringo ==Purpose: Police / Customs / ScoutModel: 24.4 x 7.8 x 10.3 mm L/W/H 646mm^3Real: 97m length, 31,2m width, 41,2m heightMass: 1276 TonnesCrew: Figh Crew: 10 Long-Term: - Max: 32 No Armor, 2 Light forward facing cannons. The Veringo Gunboat class is designed as a super cheap but very versatile boat to manage, control and secure traffic around of space stations or in a planetary orbit. Although it is not equipped for interplanetary travel, it is one of the most produced semi-military spaceships in the dustcrawler territory. In a real battle however, theese ships are often too weak to pose a real threat to any of the larger vessels on it's own. It's primary use there is scouting within close proximity of a carrier.



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