Dungeon Stone Ruined - Thick Wall Sets

150 (likes)
7507 (views)
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Two people suggested something similar in this month's vote, a collapsed, ruined set for closing off a hallway.  I loved the idea so much that I couldn't wait for a future month to get it published. For instructions on how to get started with OpenForge, we have a set of tutorials. Want to sell OpenForge prints? Want to use OpenForge designs in your product, check out the license FAQ. OpenForge is now a patron supported project. I use the resources that my patrons give me in order to get the resources to let me create more sophisticated tiles with a greater level of detail. Please, support me, and I’ll deliver an ongoing stream of awesome gaming terrain. You can find more about OpenForge and Masterwork Tools at our: Website and Blog Tile Tree Reddit Twitter Facebook Instructions For each tile, print yourself one of the tiles and a base of the same size (1x1 - 4x1). The tiles are in inch square basis (which matches most commercial printed tiles). If you want that size, print without changes, and print one of the inch bases. If you instead want 25mm squares (The historical scale of OpenForge), scale the floors on X and Y or walls on X, Y and Z by 98.4% and print one of the 25mm bases. Finally, if you want wyloch style tiles (1.25" per square) scale the X and Y by 125%. Note: All bases for OpenForge Dungeon Stone are kept in their own thingiverse entry: OpenForge 2.0 Dungeon Stone Bases Other Dungeon Stone Ruined TilesYou can find the rest of this set as it gets released in the OpenForge 2 Dungeon Stone Ruined Collection.  PaintingThis set was originally designed so I could cheaply expand on my Dwarven Forge tiles from their first Kickstarter. Because of that, the paint scheme I use is designed to make the tiles fit in with the scheme I used on that set. Dwarven Forge has a video showing how to do this paint scheme. Changelog 2021/11/29 - Switched to a place holder for all Dungeon Stone Ruined Thick Wall



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