Drill Guides

16 (likes)
3447 (views)
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Here are a couple drill guides I created to help out with my daughter's Eagle Scout Project.  I don't have an extensive wood working shop.  I have a tiny benchtop drill press, but it is not large enough to drill holes through 8" of wood with long auger bits.  So my idea was to create drill guides so I could plung a drill bit through the wood while keeping it square to the surface. It worked better than expected.  I though the very long drill bit would create enough heat to tear up the guide, but it didn't.  The guide, even after drilling 13 holes, is pretty much as good as new. Sorry I don't have great pictures of it in use.  I was busy trying to get things done. I provide guides for 6.6mm and 7/8" (.94mm) drill bits.

About the author:
Engineering Manager, Network Engineer, Systems Engineer, Solution Architect


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