Doris (DOR-15) Costume

11 (likes)
3715 (views)
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WYZE CAM v2 going out on a night on the town or just looking for an accessory?  Well, DORIS may be watching, but she isn't evil.  She is just keeping an eye on things but ignore that faint red glow late at night. This print doesn't need support if everything is tuned but a little sanding will be required on the edges.  The band for the hat is a bit tight on the tolorances, so either a little extra sanding or just scale it up a touch.  I included a 2nd band in case the black spot under the lens needed it, but as far as I can tell, covering it doen't impact the camera's performance.  The lens does cut off the corners of the image and gives you a feel of looking out a lens.  You can push it all the way in or bring it out a little to vary the amount.  I didn't have a chance to work on arms/legs for her, but will do an update later for that.  Enjoy!

About the author:
On and off 3D printing for over 10 years more concentrating on how 3D printers work, and how to tune and fix them. I am now getting more into learning the software to design and then create my own objects beyond a simple bracket.


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