DIY 3M like foldable masc

7 (likes)
1018 (views)
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Final version of my 3M like masc foldable. I have designed it to be as efficient as a 3M masc. I have made 21 prototypes and tested them in real situation to optimise every part of it..All you need is elastics and scissors to adapt it to your face. The model size is big, you can reduce it by 10% maximum in Cura.I will update the STL for smaller versions if requested. I strongly recommand to fill the front filters with cotton or actif-charcoal cotton/filter.It takes 5 minutes to adapt it. The holes grid of the is 2by2 mm, I can change it if requested.

About the author:
I am an engineer passionate about Innovations in Embedded Systems, 3d prints and fast prototyping


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