Disrupt the limits

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2859 (views)
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"Disrupt the limits" is my proposal for this 3D printing design award. Farest than just the design Brief of the contest I wanted to bring meaning to my design. 3D printing, for years now, changed the game. But the only thing It broke are limits. This Sphere inspirated by the generative design explode the frame to melt with the body. It now a part of it, indivisible. Generated by a fluid simulator, this body, expand and lives in a new and unexpected organic shape: It fluidize everything. This Is, in my mind, what append thans to 3D printing today: endless possibilities for endless applications. Enjoy, and 3D print!   3D presentation: https://youtu.be/AeaVqpFBJx8 Mockup (first version - wrong inscriptions, printer died in the latest version printing attempt): https://youtu.be/kG7liRU18wA -Fully realize with opensource and amazing Blender3D! -

About the author:
Young (more or less) passionate (more and more) designer.


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