Desktop Stand for Zebra POH Power Distribution Switch

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2203 (views)
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This is the first 3D model I designed for 3D printing and my first dive into Fusion360. I learned a lot and I continue to learn. This stand is for a Zebra Technologies OEM switch used in one of our advanced locationing solutions. It's a Power Distribution POE++ or POH switch and is normally mounted in a proprietary NEMA enclosure that hangs from the ceiling. It's unique shape makes it a bit awkward to have on your desk for testing or in a testing farm so I made this stand to get it up and out of the way. It works great, but I doubt anyone will care since it is very specialized. Still here it is in all it's glory. I've thought of many improvements I can make to the model, but this works well enough that there isn't much incentive to go into an iterative process. This version 1.0 gets the job done.

About the author:
Engineering Manager, Network Engineer, Systems Engineer, Solution Architect


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