Desk Leg Headphone Bracket

10 (likes)
1106 (views)
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Headphones bracket for clamping onto the vertical sides of a desk (such as the legs). Found plenty of headphone desk hooks and brackets for the attaching onto, or under, the top. My desk is small (underneath is a no go, as is mounting to the front) and has no top sides to attach to. I didn't want to screw into the sides either, hence this straight forward design to simply clamp on the vertical sides. Hope you find a use for it. Some fit notes: Bracket has a gap of 45mm so will probably accommodate widths of just under that Bolt will screw down into the bracket leaving a gap of 10mm, so will probably accommodate widths of just over that Some Print Notes: Printed with perimeter shell count of 4 (for greater strength) Infill 20% Recommended print orientations (see pictures): Bolt can be printed straight up, with the head on the print bed Bracket should be printed as a 'u' shape on the print bed (same orientation as it would be clamped to the desk leg)



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