Cyberpunk Sai

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3168 (views)
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The Sai is a traditional japanese melee weapon. The form of the weapon is of a blunted, prong shaped metal baton, with two curved prongs (yoku) projecting from the handle (tsuka). There are many different types of sai with varying prongs for trapping and blocking. This one is a reimagining of the Sai as a set of cyberpunk / futuristic inspired weapon.I tried to maintain the proportions as accurate as possible while giving it a makeover. They are printed in parts and you can print either one, or both. The black Sai has the Kanji for death, while the white Sai has a Kanji for liife.I've also created a 2 pillar support for them, which can be glued to a board to maintain them in style.If you like this, make sure to follow my other work at Instagram and Facebook.

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Here you can find all my 3D printing related works, I hope you enjoy!


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