Crazyflie Bumper Cage with Battery Holder

6 (likes)
3298 (views)
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A prop bumper cage and 'Quick Swap' battery holder. This protects your Crazyflie from buzzying the props against the ceiling and things. It also provides an easy quick swap battery feature and an added bonus - You can easily carry or grab your Crazyflie by the cage too. ;-) Total weight of assembly is ~4.5 grams. Alert: At this time, this is a feature add-on to the Bitcraze Crazyflie frame version 1.6.5 and earlier: If you mount your battery underneath then simply remove the battery holder feature. Or leave it? -- Added bare frame stl for the weight conscious. It is a remake of VGER's.

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We all know - EVERYTHING will become - A Print.


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