COVID Flip Tool

11 (likes)
1343 (views)
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I wanted an easy and fun way to not touch keypads and pull doors open during the global pandemic this year. There were other objects available to buy or print but there was something missing. I love my Kershaw so I used the easy opening funtion as an inspiration. Keeps the contact surfaces concealed while in your pocket so you aren't inadvertnly touching all those items you worked so hard not to touch. All parts can be printed without support. I assembled my PLA parts with regular super glue.  Once you've channeled your inner knifemaker you're ready for assembly.  Print 4 each of the rivet parts and 2 of the retaining ring.  Next glue the front and back of the blade together carefully. Then sandwich the frame spacer and blade inbewteen the front and rear frame. Apply a small amount of adhesive in the female rivet then press them together inside of the frame holes squeezing the whole assembly together. I used pliers to clamp the assembly together while the adhesive set.  Finally carefully glue on the retaining rings to the blade and its assembled. If your glue gets out of hand here your knife will be bricked.  For the frame lock to work the rear frame wil have to be heated up and bent towards the center line. This might be easier to do prior to assembly. 

About the author:
Mechanical Engineer with experience in tooling, fixture, automation and product design. I have a passion for design, especially product design. I've extensively worked with polyjet, FDM (FFM), urethane casting, and cnc prototyping. I currently own a Da Vinci 1.0 FDM printer.


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