Conspiracy Theory

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1235 (views)
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There is the words Conspiracy Theory in the design. Starting with C I will explain the design. C represents global warming, the flames on side are the c. The O is the Illuminati or the burmuda triangle. The n is contrails, coming from the airplane on the H, the s is the loch ness monster. P is made of camera lenses to represent the government watching us. I is a bloody vampire tooth. R is a unicorn. A is an Alien with a tractor beam. C is for the new coke. Y is for Yeti/bigfoot. T is for black helicopters. H is for twin towers. E is sideways angel wings. O2(second o) Is reptilian rulers. R2 is the missing flights. And Y2 is vaccinations give autism.

About the author:
That Dude...
I am a curious person that loves making anything that is hands on.


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